Tuesday, November 4, 2014

New Goal - Create Company

Over the past 8 months I have been doing a range contracting and consulting roles.  I am often asked by recruiting companies about my company details.  After some consideration, I thought I might explore the option a little further.  I am trekking off to visit an accountant today, and a lawyer later in the week to review options and solicit some guidance.

The one great thing about not being 120% busy every minute of every business day and often many hours outside of this, you have time to embrace your entreprenurial side.  Throughout the ages I have often thought it would be great to run your own company, be your own boss, and not at the whims of bad managers who often have terrible self serving interests rather than great vision and strategic direction.  I regular read snippets of media documents from Ramit Sethi, the founder of 'I will teach you to be rich', renowned author, blogger and financial guru.  I have yet to actually undertake one of his courses, but many of his emails talk about the procrastination of people, often linked to their self imposed restrictions about 'finding an idea'.  I also had been struggling with the 'idea'.

So I now see a potential opportunity on the path ahead, but I need to align a few things to potentially bring the concept to fruition.  The good news is that both existing clients are keen for extensions that carry on for the next six months of next year, and both are flexible in terms of hours, locations etc which is an excellent starting position to be in.  I am not in need of raising capital or finding my first client which is fantastic, and the thought of starting something new and building it up, is providing a little spring for my step.

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