It's the cultural goals each year that are the hardest to achieve. Not because there is anything particularly difficult about them, but more due to the fact they do not normally roll around my little brain as the possibility of something I may consider. I naturally gravitate towards concerts and sporting events, and my annual goals in this area serves to more anchor me back rather than inspire me to do more!
This year I went to see the acclaimed "Wicked" stage show, and it was fantastic. When I saw that Dirty Dancing had made its way to a stage show, I was quite enthusiastic to pick up a couple of tickets to that. But alas, said partner was not enthused to attend that one, and I was sent back to the drawing board to look at alternative cost effective options.
As we were driving past Musgrave Park on the route home, the youngster asked what was happening with the setup in there. We then had a conversation about what Paniyiri was all about. It must have been on her mind, as the next night she announces that apparently honey puffs are awesome, and she would like to try some. We then made plans to find a spot in the weekend calendar to attend.
Whilst honey puffs were on the list of things to try, for me I wanted a souvilaki, and I must say it was delicious. Half way through the honey puffs, I get the question about how many she needs to leave for Mummy to have a try. I responded with a "3 would be good". A few minutes later there was a "how about 5?" Honey puffs are very filling!
We watched some Greek dancing in traditional costume whilst eating lunch, and then wandered around for a short while before heading home. It was a slightly cheaper outing than the Dirty Dancing show, but this was an event that we actually did together rather than an adults date night. Sun, food and fun......what's not to love.
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